Sunlight & Vitamin D: Maximizing Absorption
Vitamin D Production
Vitamin D, specifically Vitamin D3, is an essential vitamin naturally produced in our skin when it interacts with sunlight (Nair & Maseeh, 2012). For a vitamin that plays such an important role in health optimization and functioning, it might come as a surprise to learn that nearly 50% of the worlds population suffers from Vitamin D Deficiency (Nair & Maseeh, 2012). Here in the Pacific Northwest, Vitamin D Deficiency is a common problem due to the lack of sunlight we experience throughout much of the year. As we continue to transition into Spring, it’s important to understand how you can take advantage of more sunny days to optimize your body’s production of Vitamin D3.
Fun in the Sun
Vitamin D is produced in the body from contact between your skin and sunlight- so the more time you spend in the sun (and the more skin that can absorb sunlight), the better your Vitamin D production will be. Ideally, you want to obtain your sun exposure at 12pm, when the sun is at its peak. Spend at least 10 minutes in direct sunlight, but anywhere from 10-30 is sufficient - just don’t forget your sunscreen (Moan & Porojnicu, 2008)! This is most effective from late Spring through early Autumn. In the PNW, we simply don’t receive enough sunlight in the winter months to adequately produce Vitamin D, so supplementation with Vitamin D3 is necessary to maintain optimal levels.
It’s worth noting that there are a variety of factors that can impact your ability to produce Vitamin D. Firstly, as we age, the body becomes less efficient at producing Vitamin D, so older adults may require more time in the sunlight in order to produce adequate Vitamin D. Those with darker skin tones also need to spend more time in the sun, as increased melanin inhibits the production of Vitamin D (Nair & Maseeh, 2012).
Benefits of Vitamin D
Vitamin D3 offers a wide variety of protective and optimizing benefits. Research suggests that when taking from adolescence, Vitamin D3 helps to lessen the risk of developing Multiple Sclerosis (Grant & Holick, 2005). Preventative benefits also include promoting optimal immune system functioning, assisting the body in proper calcium absorption to support and maintain bone health (including helping to prevent osteoporosis and osteopenia) , and reduce the risk for many types of cancer (Grant & Holick, 2005).
If you need a little supplementation to optimize your Vitamin D levels, WiseMEDs offers the ideal mix of Vitamin D3 and K2, both in liquid and capsule form.
Grant, W. B., & Holick, M. F. (2005). Benefits and requirements of vitamin D for optimal health: a review. Alternative medicine review : a journal of clinical therapeutic, 10(2), 94–111.
Moan, J., Dahlback, A., & Porojnicu, A. C. (2008). At what time should one go out in the sun?. Advances in experimental medicine and biology, 624, 86–88.
Nair, R., & Maseeh, A. (2012). Vitamin D: The "sunshine" vitamin. Journal of pharmacology & pharmacotherapeutics, 3(2), 118–126.